Want to submit to the next issue of The Orbiter?
Submit your articles to amsro.orbiter@gmail.com
Check out previous issues by clicking "The Orbiter" on our website. Submission Ideas:
Original research or case reports.
A description of an aerospace-related class or program that you are part of. Examples:
"What it's like to be a resident in aerospace medicine at UTMB"
"The 'Human Space Exploration and Medicine' class at Baylor"
Aerospace-related experiences that you have had. Examples:
"What I learned about aerospace medicine by getting my pilot's license"
"Adventures in parabolic flight"
A review of a medical condition related to aerospace medicine. Examples:
"Visual impairment due to intracranial pressure in astronauts"
Advice for students or residents at an earlier stage than you. Examples:
"Ten things I wish I had known as an MS 1"
"Tips on landing an aerospace medicine residency"