2017 Scientific Paper Award
The AMSRO Scientific Paper Award is the oldest honor awarded to a first-listed author (student or resident) who submitted an abstract for the Aerospace Medical Association Annual Scientific Meeting. AMSRO is responsible for defining the selection parameters, appointing a selection committee, coordinating selection activities, and selecting the awardee. This is the only award designated for students and residents that is associated with the Aerospace Medical Association and involves selection by fellow students and residents.
This year's Scientific Paper Award Committee reviewed 105 abstracts, with each abstract being reviewed by two members. Eight abstracts made it to the second round. After the second round rankings were submitted, there was a tie between these two abstracts.
According to the bylaws, if there is a tie after the second round, the committee must deliberate and come to a decision. After a few days of deliberation, the majority of the committee members decided to give awards to the two finalists.
It is my pleasure to announce that the co-recipients of the 2017 AMSRO Scientific Paper Awards are Alex Garbino (Abstract Final ID#203) and Vignesh Ramachandran (Abstract Final ID#549) both of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.
The title of Alex Garbino's abstract is Hyperbaric CNS Oxygen Toxicity - Risk Limits Derived from 15 Years of NBL Dive.
The title of Vignesh Ramachandran's abstract is Exercise Regimen for Mitigation of Acute and Chronic Pain in Military Aircrew.
I would like to underscore that all of the researchers' personal information (name, institution, e-mail address) was deleted from the abstracts prior to the scoring and ranking process. This was to ensure that the researchers remained anonymous which resulted in an unbiased process.
Thanks to all of the committee members for submitting their scores and rankings in a timely manner.
Stefan A. McAllister, MS, MSPH
Chair - 2017 AMSRO Scientific Paper Award Committee