Volunteers Needed for Wings Over Houston

Medical volunteers are needed for this years airshow held October 21st-23rd at Ellington Field in Houston.
Don't worry if you have no training, we need both medical and logistics personnel so if you like airplanes and medicine you are welcome to join us. We are looking for attendings, residents, students, and every other training level or background.
Volunteers will help in one of the medical tents under the direction of UTMB faculty, and/or on foot or bike patrols around the airfield.
Parking, lunch, and volunteer pass are included for each day worked. So come on out to volunteer and enjoy a wonderful airshow! If interested, please fill out the volunteer form at: https://goo.gl/forms/8cH6jxwtePerqom52
For more info: http://www.wingsoverhouston.com/index.php/2016-show Contact: Dana Levin at drlevin@utmb.edu